Friday, November 15, 2013

Water Therapy, Physics and Physiology

Author: Ranjan Roy, PhD student of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Water is the most abundant, but least understood commodity.
Water is the best natural solvent on the planet.

Water is kinetic, polar, elctro-polar, deodorizer, and more.
Water has been used for physiologic response among limited elderly people.
However, the scientific efficacious direction for the ‘WATER AS THE THERAPY’ is lacking under the shadow of the industry made medication pushed by the venture capitalist drug dealers and the government supported health care service.  The importance of the water quality in ion exchange, which is critical in the kidney dialysis, is a case in point.

Water Wheel, Quiz:
1.       Riddle: Drop a molecule of water in vacuum. Question, which direction does it orient, travel, and why? Correct answer has an award!
2.       These properties  allows the water to carry nutrients and lifesaving chemicals to the desired sites in the body.
3.       The same principles make water to dissolve, agglomerate, and wash away the unwanted toxins from the body: be it the food overload, additives, fats, herbs, chemicals, and more.
4.       Water is the body fluid acid neutralizer, it is as simple as the deep inhale/exhale regimen with the H+ and OH- ionic balance. Whenever one feel acidic, take a small sip of water, take two deep breath and no more, feel the difference, repeat every 10 to 15 minutes. This is stomach acid control at no cost.
5.       Odor 1: Water droplets as the restroom deodorizer, a wet tissue next to cistern, or the wet towel on the rack lets water vapor out slowly. The H+ and OH- ions help to neutralize the malodor from a mildly acidic or alkaline effluent. The water mist does most of the neutralization, but the commercial deodorizer aroma takes the credit.
6.       Odor 2: Water is respiration odor neutralizer, better than mouth fresheners that give an aura of fresh breath when the user can smell the environment. To control the mouth odor, one may take a sip of water, chew a tiny herb, seed, or leaf; feel the difference with the improved body fluidic alkalinity, and control the headache.
7.       Microbes: An active body physiology is microbe deterrent. Stagnant water can promote microbe, but flowing water and fluids deter the microbe proliferation. A sealed environment with nearly 100% humidity, like the stagnant ambient sealed plastic pouch, is the most conducive medium for the microbes to grow into a colony.
8.       Metal & Mineral: Compared to a plastic pouch in above item (7), an aluminum foil wrap does not promote as much microbe growth. Typically, metals and metal compounds tend to deter the microbe growth.
9.       Microbes require a narrow window of moisture, humidity, pH, flow velocity, colony, and temperature range, which do not come with metal contacts that are alkaline, tend to scintillate in the electromagnetic field, and cut down the microbe colonization.
10.   CO and CO2: Water is the colon CO and CO2 moderator. Water with the right quantity of sodium hydroxide at the correct trickle flow rate can neutralize the acid ebullient odor. Water and sodium salt ratio is critical for the body, like the saline drip. Think about the salty food (Na+ and Cl- ions in the stomach) and the saltwater taffy effect, for the NaOH to trickle into the midsection of the colon.
11.   Water and oxygen promotes corrosion, based on the temperature, pH, pKa (= pH at 25C temperature), relative humidity (RH). The corrosion rate goes up especially above the 40% humidity and 25C. Water at or below 25C help to control acid, and at greater than 25C creates more acid in stomach. These are complex issues between the water, aerobic microbe, and their burn-up rate to sustain a colony. Water wash can induce inflammation, concurrently flush the microbe colony; it is water treatment of another kind.

Water & Obesity Treatment: The health and water industry recommends ~2 liters a day. Some people take half a liter (2 glasses) a day. There is an Australian couple who never drink water; the food borne water is enough for them. In an experiment in Australia, the cyclists lost 3 percent of body weight in sweat, they were O.K; also later, they were rehydrated back only 1 % and some 2%, they were O.K. These are the extreme examples; you are the master for your body’s optimum sip of the water. It is based on the water locked in the carbohydrates, nitrogen in food energy, comfort, dry mouth, headache, and other considerations.

The body fluids need more water to process the carbohydrates; but relatively, needs more oxygen to process the phospholipids (fat) and proteins (phosphorous and nitrogen burn-up energy issue). The American habit to basket after the dinner has some merit.

Try modulating the minimum water intake, with the food, and allow the body to burn out the heavy molecules and consume own water, bio-oxidize and hydrolyze out the unwanted molecules in the body. This is water therapy for obesity treatment. Learn to love sweating, because it takes out body’s unwanted toxins while reducing the body weight.

Quiz: How many credit hours of H2O lesson is covered for any health care education? Half a credit, or less!
Actually, every student needs an introduction to the fundamental physics and physiology of the WATER, in the high school, college, and rescrubs when one turns forty, and again at sixty.

Water Therapy is the way to go, enjoy the Water.
Let it circulate, not stagnate, and invite the long life!
Can you add a few lines on the goodness in your water, help yourself?

End of the Article 1

Subject: Read this and Pass it On.

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Military for 20 years or more, risking their lives protecting your freedom, and only get
50% of their pay on retirement.
While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive Full-Payretirement after serving one (1) term.
It just does not make any sense at all.
If each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people will have the message. 
This is one proposal that really should be passed around. 
I passed it on!

Will you?

An Open Letter to Elected Representatives & Political Party Leaders by Lt Gen SC Sardeshpande,UYSM, AVSM, VSM

In my personal capacity, I am inviting the awkward distinction of adverting to you regarding the recent defence scams, deficiencies, neglect, delays, procedural tardiness and the like, which are disturbingly dangerous for the defence of the country.

The Air Force strength sanctioned for 42 squadrons has come down to 32, and, at this rate of obsolescence and ageing, will dwindle further to 29 as appears in the media. The MiG 21s have started failing and killing pilots. The Air Force and Naval aviation basic trainer HPT 32 have all been grounded; the next in line, Kiran trainers have dwindled to a handful; the next MiG 21s are already too old.

The Naval pilots are being sent to USA for their basic flying training (TNIE of 8 May 2012), and the Air Force may have to send theirs perhaps to Sweden! Navy’s Sea Harrier aircraft strength too has come down to a handful. Our Submarine fleet is not up to challenging the Chinese counterpart’s entry into the Indian Ocean, which is the maritime area so vital to our trade, economy and security.

The Army Chief has brought out a list of obsolete, ageing and deficient items in the Army’s vital weaponry, ammunition and equipment. What the Army Chief said early this year about the Army, the Air Force and Naval Chiefs had said about their Services two years ago, as reported in the press. Despite the deteriorating and unsatisfactory state of our Armed Forces as reflected by all the Chiefs, every one of them has said that they “will fight with whatever they have”. Which, when translated into reality on the battle ground, will mean only one thing: that the soldier (includes naval person and airman) will sacrifice himself and be converted into a martyr by the government, by the political parties and by the people themselves. Does this require any bright brain or complex logic to conclude?

I am making bold to ask you elected representatives, party leaders, government officials and intellectual fraternity a few questions in this regard as a common citizen, as an educated and responsible person and as an old soldier of 35 years service in the defence of our country:

I know you will find these questions hard to answer. You may even vent your displeasure over my temerity to confront you on the issues. I am posing them as a common citizen, affected citizen, in our so-called democracy. Yet, I do very sincerely and seriously request you to consider the issues and attend to cleansing the muck we have created.